This is my first guest post and it is from Tyler who I mention in some of my articles. It is a miracle just that God is planting new churches through Tyler's family and another missionary family nearby because they live in a very hostile place to evangelical Christianity - Utah. Here are Tyler's own words:
We moved into the Fort Bingham neighborhood in February 2020. Pretty soon after we moved in, we met our neighbors to the immediate right and left of us. We told them we were followers of Jesus and started to develop a relationship with them. We prayed for them, shared our stories with them, and began telling them the good news about Jesus. And, we invited them to join us for our worship gathering with our church which meets in Ben’s home not too far form where we live [Keith’s note - message me for church name].
During the summer, we were outside walking our dog when on of our neighbors asked if they could join us, we were baptizing another gentleman we got to see come to faith in Jesus that week. After we baptized him, Tyler preached the gospel and gave opportunity for anyone else to respond to Jesus in repentance and faith. Our neighbor said she wanted to! She went home to get a change of clothes to get baptized, and while she was gone, we talked to her future mother in law, who was there as well. She said there had been a word on her mind all day. That word was NEW. We asked her if she thought Jesus wanted to give her a new life and she said yes. She got baptized that night too! That night our neighbor was delivered from a demon and healed of a personality disorder. She used to look in the mirror and not recognize herself. The next day she was astonished, “I looked in the mirror today and for the first time I saw myself.” The Lord is at work to save people, and we are so thankful.
As the church in Ben’s home continued to grow, we were running out of space in the living room With the weather getting colder, we were unable to meet outside anymore. COVID was limiting gathering sizes, so were unable to take these new disciples and launch into a new church in our home. Ellie had befriended a transitioning Mormon three houses up from us. Our neighbor invited her husband and son. We asked a couple other leaders and disciples we had been inviting to join us, and we started gathering in our home in November 2020.
We started by simply walking through some basic commands of Jesus and learning how to follow him as our Savior and King. After several weeks of establishing a DNA of obedience to Jesus we saw our church identity beginning to form, and our hearts were uniting around vision. We decided to name the church and appoint a pastor. The Holy Spirit set apart Daniel and the church laid hands on him as he was appointed to this role. We are so excited to see the church in Fort Bingham continue to grow and multiply!
(Our neighbor who was delivered from a demon is burning her magic books as she repents and believes in Jesus)!